Concerned Christians Part 3

O.K.  Got another letter at the church (I know you all are thinking I’m making this up but I promise these are all true letters we received…ask Ann Lynn) from the anonymous “Concerned Christians.”  Once again, I’m assuming they are going after Barack Obama (who interestingly enough was at the 4-H fairgrounds yesterday…just a few blocks away from my house…he didn’t buy me gas though…what is up with that?!!).  Here is the letter (with my commentary laced in parenthetical notes):

Dear Pastor (that would be me) 🙂 :

It is our grave responsibility to weigh up current events (who appointed you with such a grave responsibility?), and look ahead to determine the direction our nation, the home of liberty, is heading.  In the Middle East, Israel’s only true friend is the United States, and America’s only true friend is Israel.  Iran is a sworn enemy of us both, and Iraq is a small and very troublesome child.  Most, if not all, of the other Arab nations cannot be trusted, since the brotherhood of the descendants of Ishmael is a more powerful force than peace and pragmatism.  Not only that, but radical Islamic elements seek to bring their hatred to our shores, and spill the blood of Christians and Jews alike.  Against this backdrop, the institutions of democracy run their course.  We are in the midst of a presidential election campaign that will determine, to a large extent, the direction in which our nation will be heading over the next four years.  The choices in the upcoming primaries in Indiana and North Carolina are clear (really?):  on the one hand, an untested candidate who would sit down at the table with our common, unrepentant, sworn enemies (and how exactly does meaningful peace and reconciliation happen apart from this?).  On the other hand, an experienced politician (translation: career politician) who will not stoop to such compromise (dialogue is compromise?), but has promised “massive retaliation” (wow!!  massive!!  that must make Jesus happy…I’m sure he will look beyond that whole “love your enemy” thing…I’m sure he probably didn’t mean it on a “national scale”) against any nation which attacks Israel.  Times are too critical to bathe the dark intrigues (that sounds kind of poetic) of the Middle East in an unrealistic millennial glow (I feel soothed just saying that over and over).  The time will come when the lion will lie down with the lamb (so compromise is coming as the lion sits at the same table as the lamb?), but in the meantime our Messiah (are you sure we have the same Messiah?  I’m following that crucified suffering servant one…which one are you talking about?) is holding us responsible for the government (when did he say that?  I don’t remember him ever saying we were responsible for our government…maybe it was in that Gospel of Thomas book?) that we choose.  (Translation:  someday Jesus will make things right…until then…let’s kick the crap out of all of our nationalistic enemies just like Jesus would want!)

With sincerity,

From Concerned Christians

Last Week of Ancient/Future Faith

This Sunday is our last week in our Ancient/Future Faith message series.  The last week is on Scripture.  It will be great.  There will be a special treat in store.  Hasn’t happened in the past 21 weeks…I think you are really going to like it…

After that, a packed-full month of May!  The following week – Baby Dedication.  The week after Baptismal Celebration WITH I might add a lunch on the front lawn to follow.  That’s right…more Martin’s fried chicken then should be legal.  We will have a blast of a day.