A Pictorial Tribute to My Mother

My mother called this morning to inform me that I had left her out of my “Ode to 2006” blog where I mentioned how grateful I am to be working with the best people in the world…and then I go on to list several people.  Well…my mother wasn’t mentioned!  She called to let me know about my “little” oversight.  Everyone, including my mother can now rest assured, I have gone back and reedited my post to now include my mother – Diane Barrington!

I mean really – what kind of a son forgets to mention his own mother?!  What kind of an ingrate of an offspring neglects to mention the very one who was responsible for giving me life; who endured 174 hours of labor to push out a 5 lb. 5 oz. little squirt of a kid?!  What kind of delinquent fails to give credit to a mother who ranks up there with one of the best mothers in the world!  A mother who is generous beyond comparison, compassionate, loving – a fantastic grandmother to my children!!  My greatest attributes, from nagging persistence to obsessive compulsive disorder, I OWE TO ME DEAR SWEET MOTHER!  To remedy my obvious familial fau paux – I offer this pictorial tribute – to my mother; the greatest mother ever!!!













With Love,

Your Son

Great Expectations

chart.jpgExpectations are a very powerful thing.  I believe they actually have the power to create realities.  I find that either in myself, or in others, most people live up to expectations

Of course this cuts both ways.  Sometimes I achieve great things in which I expected for myself.  And at other times I live up to low expectations I have set for myself.  For example, if I don’t expect that I will make it past the second week of January in my New Year’s Resolutions, I usually don’t. 

Whether it is teachers to students, parents to children, employers to employees, etc. expectations are a powerful thing that usually sets standards, goals, and even realities into motion. 

  As a defensive mechanism to keep from being disappointed in life there are some people that always set their expectations low.  Granted, there might be less disappointment – then again – maybe not – especially at the end of life when one examines the totality of life from the perspective of the end – but the problem is that when good things do happen we are typically “caught off guard,” “unprepared,” “shocked,” etc.  Sometimes this leads to squandering or losing the ability to take advantage of great things or seeing them become normative for our lives. 

The power of expectation is also true for churches.  Churches that have low expectations for growth or God’s blessing typically live up to those low expectations.  In fact, I believe God will honor our expectations whether low or high.  If you pray for healing with low expectations, I believe He honors that.  If we pray in faith and great expectancy, He honors that. 

What has been exciting to me over the past week as I have entered into different conversations with a variety of leaders at the Living Stones Church is their great expectations for what God is going to do (and has done) in regards to growth and blessing.  It is no longer, “if God…” or “maybe God…” but “Of course God is going to…” and then the work of getting prepared to receive growth and blessing is set in motion.  I love it!  I love the confidence and reality that God wants us to grow and he wants to bless us – if for nothing else than because His own name is at stake.  Such great expectations foster a powerful spiritIt is contagious – and it is awesome to be a part of.  Most of the time we live up to our expectations.  They are powerful enough to set realities in motion.  Therefore, let us, as the Living Stones Church have great expectations

Caleb’s Turn


After taking Alex to Build-A-Bear yesterday, Caleb was upset because he also received a gift certificate (thanks to Memaw) and wanted to go.  So I promised him today I would take him.  So, we did…

I found out that the genius who started Build-A-Bear is Maxine Clark.  She wrote a book entitled, “The Bear Necessities of Business.”  I think it would be a good book for a church’s leadership to read.  Some of the things about Build-A-Bear that I think the church should reflect on is:

  • It is simple.  They do one thing, and they do it well. 

  • They have created an experience.  You don’t just enter and purchase, the child experiences every aspect of building the bear.

  • The process wins the hearts of parents.  What parent wouldn’t gush a little at watching their child close their eyes and make a wish while holding a stuffed heart.

  • It is clear and well-directed.  You know where to begin, and you know where to end.  Along the way, everything is clearly marked and well-directed.

  • It reflects a child’s individuality.  While the whole experience in thematically the same (stuffing a bear, etc.) each bear is different and reflects the child’s preference in regards to type of doll, sounds, clothes, accessories, etc.

It would be great if kids love church as much as they do Build-A-Bear…

Build a Bear with Baby Girl


One of my goals for the New Year (one of about 1000) is to make Mondays the best Sabbath/family day I can.  It feels like most Mondays (my day off) I work harder than I do if I were in the office with yard work, bills, chores, everything I have put off doing for the week.  I’m hoping this year to squeeze some of those activities earlier in the week so when Monday comes I can just rest, spend time with the family, and do things like read, etc.  I don’t plan on being legalistic about it – if I have to do something – that is the way it is – but I’m just going to try.

Today I took Alex to spend her Christmas gift certificate to Build-a-Bear.  I don’t know who the genius is who thought of the Build-a-Bear concept but I’m sure they are very rich!  It is a little girl paradise.  I have to admit, I was impressed with the process.  You rub a little stuffed heart (teddy bear part) in your hand to warm the heart, then you hold it in your hands and close your eyes to make a wish.  Then you rub it on your heart, your tummy, your head and then put it in the teddy bear.  I was so moved I almost bought a bear for myself…excuse me, I have to get a tissue…

Anyhow, it was sweet.  The picture is of Alex’s bear, “Mary” (she said she likes the name, but I think she named it after our worship leader’s daughter).  She picked out the outfit and purchased a cell phone for her bear (I wonder what that reflects – am I on my phone too much).  It was a good day.

Now – time to sit down with Isaac, my ten year old and watch the BCS championship game.  I’ll let him stay up for the whole game.  He is the only one of my kids whose behavior never seems to be negatively affected by sleep deprivation. 


Surprise Slideshow

12-25-06-039.jpgHad a surprise slideshow at the Living Stones Church this morning.  Jim Counts (our Youth Pastor), Jennae Gee (our Administrative Assistant), and Kelly (my wife) – very craftely put together a montage of pictures of my time as the minister of the church for the past ten years.  It was great – even though the first song with its accompanying slides made me tear up a little (in an entirely masculine way).  It was very interesting to see those pictures – man am I older.  One of the pictures was of my first Sunday preaching.  I look like I’m thirteen!  Kelly of course looks the same!  It was a blessing to look back and to see the life of the church over the past year.

 Thanks to Judy Motts for providing pictures of our recent Christmas with Charlie Brown series.  The above picture is of one of the services.  The set up front was great – backdrops, snoop house, Lucy’s booth, cut out trees, etc.

I began a new message series this morning entitled – The Apprentice.  First week was on the Ethiopian Eunuch. 



I’m in Big Trouble!

angry.jpgI got my January 2007 issue of Christianity: then & now today.   I get it every month.  It is a little journal authored by a guy name John Waddey that is sent to (I think) most of the acappella Churches of Christ in the nation.  I usually flip through it skimming the main headings just to see what the latest controversy might be, and there it was…a blurb about us!  It read:

“The Donmoyer Avenue Church of Christ, long time sponsor of John Clayton’s “Does God Exist?” outreach, has abandoned the old paths of scripture.  They are now the Living Stones Church.  They have incorporated instrumental music into their worship, and women are now assisting in public worship.  As John the Apostle put it, ‘They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us…'(1 John 2:19).  What a sad and tragic fact this is to report.  But in the years ahead, we can expect many more similar cases as the virus of change does its destructive work in the lives of our people.  JHW”

I couldn’t believe it.  I’m not sure if I’m supposed to be upset or proud.  I’m afraid to confess that I think I’m more proud than upset.  The only thing that concerned me was that Mr. John Waddey, whether he intended to or not, seemed to imply that John Clayton (A.K.A. Man in the Middle) was involved or may be involved.  So I sent Mr. John Waddey an e-mail to assure him and his readers that John Clayton hasn’t attended the Donmoyer Church of Christ since July 2003 and is still true to the old paths of scripture attending an acappella, women-not-assisting-in-worship Church of Christ in Dowagiac, MI.

I’m sure in reponse to John Waddey’s publication, I got this delightful e-mail today Gayle McPherson, an elder of a Church of Christ in Taylor, TX:

“As a faithful member and an Elder of the Lord’s church, I would like to thank you for removing Christ’s name from your group.  What I’ve read about you says you no longer worship the Lord as directed in the New Testament.  We are not to cater to what the world wants, but to do the Lord’s will.  Again I say thank you and hope that at some point before it’s too late you will see the error of your way and repent.”

As you can see from the above, I don’t know why anyone would want to get out of the Churches of Christ?

God is good!

From – “the change-virus” infected pastor of the Living Stones Church (may I never recover)

What I Have in Common With Matt Laurer

img_1452.jpgmatt-lauer.jpgMost people probably think Matt Laurer and I have in common things like looks, charm, charisma, talent…the list could go on and on.  But the truth is, we are both celebrating our 10 year anniversary in our respective employments.

Ten years ago today – January 4th, 1997 – I began my ministry at the Donmoyer Avenue Church of Christ (now the Living Stones Church).  I was a 25 year old with a lot more hair and a few less kids.  Kelly, Isaac (who at the time was only six months old), and myself pulled into South Bend with our Ryder truck from Abilene, TX (fresh out of graduate school) to begin our work and ministry.  I can’t believe it has been 10 years!! 

As in any ministry, there are ups and downs.  I have learned a ton over the past ten years (even as the Lord is still trying to drill into my thick head some lessons the point of wish is difficult for me to grasp).  I have had experiences of pastoral leadership I would never have dreamed of. 

But at this moment, as I reflect on where I am today, and where I have been, with all of its ups and downs (really – a lot of downs), I can say this with great sincerity – I WOULDN’T WANT TO BE ANYWHERE ELSE!!!

Although it has taken awhile, I am now having the time of my life!!  I absolutely love the Living Stones Church and if God will permit me I want to remain here for the rest of my life!  God has proven himself so good and so faithful that it is incredible.  If I knew ten years ago what I knew now; and if I were given the choice of clepping out of a good seven years of difficulty; I’m telling you, I would walk through it all over again to be where I am today.  To have enjoyed the past three years as much as I have with each passing year better than the one before!

Nothing is more thrilling than to see God actually accomplishing what He said he would (I’m embarrassed to admit that for awhile I was starting to think that he wouldn’t).  Nothing has been more rewarding than to see a church turn so dramatically outward, so emphatically missional (I mean at the very core of its DNA), and to see it so united in a common mission and vision!!!!!  Thank you God – thank you!!!!!  What an honor and priviledge for me to say that I am both your servant and friend.

Here is my short list of things I have learned in 10 years of ministry in this place:

  1. No one is as bad as you think; and no one is as good as you think (this is especially true for you).
  2. Good people – I mean really good, godly people, when anxious and scared can say and do crazy things (this is especially true for you).
  3. There is nothing like doing ministry out of a very clear calling and word from the Lord.
  4. It isn’t always a bad thing for people to leave and find another church.  Never be anxious in it, pray, and trust that God has bigger Kingdom purposes for both of you then keeping you in the same building.
  5. When you think you have communicated something adequately, double what you have just done.
  6. Some people don’t want to be appeased.  If you begin to make the effort to appease them, it will consume you.
  7. Never send an e-mail to someone if as you type, your heart is racing.  Wait until the morning, and have your wife read it first.  If she thinks it is a good idea send it.  If she hesitates when you ask, “what do you think?”  Don’t send it – ever!
  8. Your wife and children walk through what you walk through in ministry.  Tend to them first.
  9. It is possible to transition a church.  The cost in doing so is great.  Count the cost. 
  10. If God has given you a specific calling, the cost of not following it is even greater.
  11. Nothing beats elders/leaders who love you unconditionally and speak freely their thoughts about your work and ministry.
  12. Your wife is right.  Listen to her advice.
  13. Surround yourself in ministry with people who are smarter, better, and more spiritual than you. 
  14. If you do not commit intentional and regular time to go into solitude to pray and fast, you will likely miss what God wants to reveal to you about your own heart.
  15. When God reveals sin in your heart, it is a sign of his mercy and grace.  The only alternative is that he never reveals it to you.  That would be the worst fate of all.
  16. Never listen to or give authority to someone in the church who doesn’t have the charater of Jesus and contributes nothing to the life of the church but criticism and negativity.
  17. A church full of children is one of the greatest things ever.
  18. Know what your strengths are.  Your strengths will also be accompanied by negatives – they will be your greatest weaknesses.
  19. I have never regretted responding in gentleness or kindness.  My greatest regrets have been responding in anger.
  20. Reactive leadership is the worst kind of leadership. 
  21. If God tells you you have wronged someone, apologize, ask forgiveness, and make it right, or God won’t tell you anything else until you do.
  22. You are not above any sin.  When you hear about the sins of others, remember that given the right conditions, circumstances, and choices – you could find yourself in the exact same place.  Know that you have been kept from some sins, not because you weren’t capable or that it wasn’t in your heart, but rather because God had his hands around your heart protecting you and others from letting out what was inside.
  23. Just because God is calling you to something doesn’t mean it will be easy or without pain.
  24. If your wife cautions you about imbalance in your time spent with church vs. children/marriage/God – fix it immediately.
  25. God is infinitely good.  Who can comprehend such a thing? 
  26. (and perhaps most importantly) Sometimes when people say, “That was a good sermon,” they are just being nice.

Notre Dame BCS Sugar Bowl

nd-wknd-helmet.jpgDear God,

Please, please let Notre Dame beat LSU at the Sugar Bowl.  As you well know, Notre Dame (which I assume to be one of your favorite teams), hasn’t won a bowl game since 1994.  I’m now sitting next to my ten year old son who will be very disappointed if Notre Dame loses this game.  There is 9:04 left in the 3rd quarter and we are only down by ten.  Please help us.

In Jesus’ Name,


Had a party at the church the first half of the Sugar Bowl game.  We watched the game on the big screen.  It was a lot of fun with great “tailgating” food.  Love having fun with the church enjoying events like this together!

Go Irish!!

Holiday Movies

rocky-balboa.jpgwe-are-marshall-movie.jpgarticle_attachment_1165355725.jpgnight1.jpgapocalypto.jpgOne of Kelly and my favorite things to do is go to the movies.  And because of the holiday break (and the generosity of our parents who have watched our children) we have been able to see five different movies over the past week!  There really wasn’t any major “blockbusters” out this holiday season that I thought I just had to see, but I thoroughly enjoyed every movie I saw.

 Rocky Balboa

When I heard that Sylvester Stallone was coming out with Rocky VI I think I laughed.  No offense to Sylvester, but after Rocky V…need I say more?  I heard in an interview that Sylvester was also disappointed with the way Rocky V came out and wanted to end the series on a good note to honor the Rocky fans that had been so disappointed by the last Rocky film.  And he did it!  It was awesome.  The Rocky character is perfect for Sylvester Stallone.  I was worried going into the movie that it would feel unrealistic.  I mean come on…a 60 year old boxing a kid in his 20s and pulling off the upset…but the story was very believable.  Big thumbs up for Rocky Balboa.  A must see!

Night in the Museum

We went to see this movie in St. Louis at the IMAX theater (nothing beats an IMAX movie – especially if it is 3D) with the kids.  We all laughed and enjoyed the story.  Dick Van Dyke and Mickey Rooney were great additions to the cast.  And Owen Wilson always makes me laugh.  This is a great family movie.


O.K…I’m giving this movie qualified thumbs up.  It was entertaining in the sense that it held my attention, but it wasn’t entertaining in the sense of enjoying oneself at the movies.  It is a very gruesome picture.  In the end, I wondered if Mel Gibson might do well with a little psyco-therapy.  I can handle great tragedies if in the end there is some sort of fair retribution or feeling of restored homeostasis.  There isn’t.  The movie ends and I left disturbed with the feeling of injustice.  Having said that, the scenes are spectacular and there is something captivating about watching extremely authentic looking actors/actresses speaking a foreign language.

The Holiday

I love Jack Black.  If you are in the mood for a romantic comedy, this is the one to see.  I especially loved the story line involving an older gentleman who was a famous screenwriter in Hollywood back in the day.  Great movie.  Only downside was that the wife and I went to a Fondue restaurant for New Year’s Eve (we love the Fondue) and I ate an obsene amount of food and was busy digesting during the film!

We Are Marshall

This movie was incredible.  Better than I would have guessed.  If you see it, and you should, don’t leave at the credits.  During the credit scroll they show footage and pictures of those who the movie portrayed.  It was very powerful.  Almost as powerful as one of the closing scenes where “Red” played by Matthew Fox is overwhelmed by the loss of the original Marshall team. 

A few weeks ago, Evelyn Hutchison at our church Christmas Party told me that she worked at Marshall University in 1970 at the time of the plane crash.  She didn’t leave the campus for 48 hours and she was busy working with another professor dealing with tragedy.  It put a personal touch on the movie for me and I couldn’t help but wonder if Evelyn would see this movie, and if so, her thoughts and emotions at the end.

 …in other news…

I started back on my diet today.  The post-New Year’s resolutions are underway.  The scale this morning was not good to me.  And the number it revealed will remain a secret.  Let’s just say I’ve had way too much fun over the past month and a half.

Ode to 2006

img_1878.jpg2006!!  What a year!!!!  This has been one of the best years ever!!  I have loved it.  There are so many great memories and blessings in this year.  I am so grateful that God has given my family such peace and joy over the past 365 days. 

Here is a list of some of the best things that happened in 2006 (not in any particular order):

  • Losing 45 lbs. and accomplishing an 8% bodyfat ratio
  • Running the Sunburst 10K in 47 minutes (much easier when you lose 45 lbs.)
  • Going to Disney World with my family
  • Going to the ND football home season opener against Penn State with a “backstage pass” thanks to Pete Hermosillo
  • Awesome year of ministry at the Living Stones Church (not even a close second)
  • Attending the Innovative Church Conference at Granger Community Church (surpassed all of my expectations)
  • Guitar Lessons
  • Leadership Retreats
  • Church Name Change
  • Attending some fun concerts with the family – Chris Tomlin, Casting Crowns, and Superchick tour
  • Participating in 40 days of 24/7 prayer at the Living Stones Church
  • Acquiring a $200,000 loan for improvements to church
  • South Bend Tribune article on the Living Stones Church
  • Witnessing Linda Templeton (one of our elder’s wife) healed of cancer
  • Men’s retreat to St. Meinrad’s Archabbey
  • Getting my first tattoo (oh yeah…my reward for losing weight)
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Getting two new kittens (although I have moments where I’m not sure it was such a great thing)
  • Cedar Point trip with my wife
  • Getting a brand new computer
  • Having the “sex talk” with Isaac – my 10 year old
  • Fishing with my son, Caleb (7 years old)
  • Mondays with my babygirl, Alexandria (5 years old)
  • Trying out with Who Wants to Be a Millionaire with the Kneips (I didn’t make it)
  • Kelly getting an excellent part-time job that she enjoys
  • Working with some of the most excellent people on the face of the earth (Chuck, Randy, Jim, Doug, Ann, Jennae, David, Bill, Sarah, my mother – Diane Barrington – I could go on and on…
  • Enjoying a year with a healthy family

I could go on and on…

This has been a great year.  May God bring about even more blessings for 2007!