Living Stones Church High School Summer Kick Off

You have SEVEN HOURS as of the time I posted this blog to get your High Schooler to the Living Stones Church @ 5:30 pm so they can participate in the Summer Kick Off of the High School Youth Group led by TIM BOUCHER!!!!!

SEVEN HOURS before they experience the time of their life and some pretty foundational experiences as a youth group.

So…if you are in High School…or you have a High Schooler get them to the Living Stones Church @ 5:30 pm.  From there they will be going out to South Paw (not “Paw Paw” as I kept saying on Sunday…which is where you go in Michigan for a bunch of vineyards and wine tastings.  Don’t worry…our High Schoolers will not be going to a wine tasting this evening).  South Paw is the old residence of Jamie Moyer (the baseball player) turned into a retreat center.  They are going there for a cookout, swimming, games, etc.  They will return to the church @ 10:00 pm.

Any questions?  Send them to Tim Boucher here.

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